The inventory playbook has been created to inventory devices and to publish the collected inventory to Centurion ERP. The inventory includes details of all software packages installed on the host machine as well as some details regarding the host machine such as UUID and serial number.
The inventory playbook includes the AWX Feature to import the playbook as a job template in AWX / Ansible Automation Platform.
The following job template will be created:
- Centurion/ITAM/Inventory Inventory host machines and publish to Centurion ERP
On import to AWX / Ansible Automation Platform a credential type will also be created, 'Collection/No Fuss Computing/Centurion/API' that can be used to supply the required secrets and Centurion host.
The inventory playbook currently has an issue relating to gathering software starting with L. This issue has been reported and is being worked on github issue 19
Play workflow
The inventory playbook conducts the follwoing tasks:
Gathers host information
Gathers sofware information
Uploads the inventory report to Centurion ERP
Cleans any leftover files used to create the reports
This page forms part of our Project Centurion Ansible Collection.
Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit hereDate Created: 2024-08-19
Date Edited: 2024-12-31
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